Lab News and Job Openings

May 24, 2022

Ethier lab celebrating summertime at Piedmont Park!

May 24, 2022

The Ethier lab seeks a Post-doctoral Fellow to study retinoscleral signaling in myopia. The pathogenesis of myopia is poorly understood but involves signaling from the retina to the sclera by one or more factors, likely including all-trans retinoic acid. We will mathematically model this signaling process, including transport across the choroid, and carry out tracer studies in post-mortem mouse eyes to obtain model validation datasets. The successful candidate will undertake these studies as part of a collegial and diverse team of research staff, students, and post-docs, working in collaboration with personnel from the laboratory of Dr. Machelle Pardue. This position is funded from a recent NIH R01 grant.

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: The specific job duties include the following:

• Mathematical modeling of transport from the retina to the sclera, including consideration of carrier binding, choroidal vessel exclusion, and active transport across the retinal pigment epithelium

• Assisting with the design and execution of experiments in which the movement of fluorescent tracers is optically tracked across and between different layers of the ocular wall

• Preparing manuscripts and abstracts for scientific meetings.

• Mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, as appropriate and in conjunction with the lab PI.


Degrees required for this job: PhD in engineering, biophysics, applied mathematics, or a closely related field.


PREFERRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL QUALIFICATIONS: Strong knowledge of biotransport, including both modeling and experimental aspects. Previous familiarity with the eye would be a major plus. Proven ability to work as part of a diverse team and contribute to a positive lab culture; to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing; and to assist with preparation of grants.


• Significant experience in: Mathematical modeling, microscopy, biotransport

• Knowledge of: ocular anatomy

Interested applicants should send the following items, complied into a single pdf, to (i) a cover letter outlining relevant experience; (ii) the names and contact details of 3 referees; (iii) a complete CV.

May 24, 2022

The Ethier lab seeks a Research Technician II to study stem cell delivery to the anterior eye as a potential treatment for glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness and is frequently associated with an elevated intraocular pressure. Using an established mouse model of glaucoma, we wish to deliver stem cells to a specific location in the eye by loading the cells with magnetic nanoparticles and “steering” them with an external magnet. The resulting changes in intraocular pressure, anterior segment morphology and aqueous outflow facility will be measured. The successful candidate will undertake these studies as part of a collegial and diverse team of research staff, students and post-docs. This position is funded from an NIH R01 grant.

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: The specific job duties include the following:

• Assisting with delivery of stem cells to the trabecular meshwork in mice, including maintenance of mouse colonies, cell culture, and stem cell injection into the eye

• Monitoring changes in mice due to stem cells, including intraocular pressure, outflow facility, trabecular meshwork cell distribution and number, and immunohistochemistry.

• Compiling data and statistical analysis of compiled data

• Closely interacting with lab members participating in this project.

PREFERRED EDUCATION, SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: Degrees required for this job: undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering, biology, or a closely related field by the time of hiring.


PREFERRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL QUALIFICATIONS: Experience working with mice (breeding, anesthesia), experience with cell culture, and good experimental skills are strongly desired. Previous familiarity with the eye would be a major plus. Proven ability to work as part of a diverse team and contribute to a positive lab culture; and to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.


• Significant experience in: mouse breeding, mouse anesthesia, microscopy, cell culture

• Knowledge of: ocular physiology and anatomy

Interested applicants should send the following items, complied into a single pdf, to (i) a cover letter outlining relevant experience; (ii) the names and contact details of 3 referees; (iii) a complete CV. The position is for full-time employment on the Georgia Tech campus, with a minimum commitment of 1 year.

October 26, 2021

Ethier lab  has an opening for a Postdoctoral Fellow to study mechanosignalling pathways in Schlemm’s Canal endothelial cells. See the attachment for further information.

Post-doc job description – Ethier

June 17-20, 2020

SB3C was cancelled for SARS-CoV-2, but Ross and Dillon were both still able to present virtual talks! Ross presented “A Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Rat Optic Nerve Head Biomechanics” and Dillon presented “Altered Tensile Stiffness and Permeability of Myopic Mouse Sclera as Determined by Compression Testing“.

Jun 9, 2020

Babak’s last paper from his thesis, titled, “Evaluation of Transverse Poroelastic Mechanics of Tendon using Osmotic Loading and Biphasic Mixture Finite Element Modeling” was accepted to Journal of Biomechanics. Click here to check it out!


June 1, 2020

ARVO 2020 was cancelled due to SARS-CoV-2, but our virtual presentations can still be viewed! Click here 
for more info.


May 15, 2020

Matthew’s paper titled, “AxoNet: A deep learning-based tool to count retinal ganglion cell axons” was accepted to Scientific Reports. Click here to check it out!


May 6, 2020

Mike was awarded a University Research Committee grant for his proposal titled, “Physiology of spontaneous retinal venous pulsations”!


May 5, 2020

The Georgia Tech BioE had a successful BioE day! Congratulations to Bailey for winning the Christophe Ruffin award for her leadership!



May 2, 2020

Stephen’s paper titled, “Biomechanical Properties of the Rat Sclera Obtained With Inverse Finite Element Modeling” was accepted to Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. Click here to check it out!


April 20, 2020

Bailey successfully defends her thesis! Congratulations Dr. Hannon. 


March 17, 2020

Andrew’s paper titled, “Age and Menopause Effects on Ocular Compliance and Aqueous Outflow” was accepted to IOVS. Click here to check it out!


March 7-12, 2020

Mike travels to the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society 2020 conference to present his poster titled, “Experimental Measurement of Optic Nerve Sheath Material Properties”


December 17, 2019

Congratulations to Dillon for successfully proposing his thesis, titled “An Investigation of Scleral Biomechanics and Myopia in the Mouse”



October 23-26, 2019

Ross Ethier, Bailey Hannon, and Matthew Ritch present at the 2019 ISER Glaucoma Symposium in Atlanta, GA. 


Development of A System for 3D Mechanostimulation of Optic Nerve Head Astrocytes – Ross Ethier


Assessment of Visual Function and Scleral Stiffening Following a Single Periocular Genipin Injection Bailey Hannon

Quantification of Glaucomatous Nerve Degeneration in Rat Optic Nerves Using Deep Machine Learning – Matthew Ritch


September 26, 2019

Click here for a summary of Liz Boazak’s recent publication, highlighted on the CellScale website!



Compressive Mechanical Properties of Rat and Pig Optic Nerve Head

September 20-23, 2019

Ross Ethier presents at ICBME in San Diego, California for Y.C. Fung’s 100th birthday. His talk was titled, “Biomechanical Characterization of Mouse Sclera in Myopia“.




September 12-15, 2019
Dillon travels to Tokyo, Japan to present at the 17th International Myopia Conference. His talk was titled, “Decreased Stiffness and Increased Permeability in Sclera of Myopic Mice“.


August 27, 2019
Liz Boazak publishes a manuscript entitled Compressive Mechanical Properties of Rat and Pig Optic Nerve Head in Journal of Biomechanics. This paper explores the biomechanical properties of the optic nerve head under compression and shows the species dependence of these properties.



August 5, 2019
Stephen successfully defends his thesis titled “Finite Element Modeling of Optic Nerve Head Biomechanics in a Rat Model of Glaucoma”. Congratulations Stephen! Our lab wishes you the best!



June 25-28, 2019
Members of the Ethier Lab traveled to Seven Springs, Pennsylvania for the 2019 SB3C annual meeting.


Genomic Loci Modulating Ocular Compliance In Mice – Liz Boazak

Choroidal Swelling Is Predicted To Cause Significant Optic Nerve Head Deformation: Potential Relevance To Sans – Andrew Feola

In Vivo Estimation of Optic Nerve Sheath Stiffness Using Noninvasive Mri Measurements and Finite Element Modeling – Chanyoung Lee

In Vivo Measurements of Trabecular Meshwork Stiffness – Ross Ethier

April 28-May 2, 2019
Members of the Ethier Lab traveled to Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada for the 2019 ARVO annual meeting.

2019 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology


Development of An Automated Electroretinography Analysis Approach Andrew Feola

Tree Shrew Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsation Changes Due to Changes in the Translaminar Pressure Difference – Mike Dattilo

Towards optic nerve head on a chip: a tool for understanding glaucomatous optic neuropathy – Liz Boazak

Altered Scleral Biomechanics in the Mouse Model of Myopia – Dillon Brown


Machine Learning-Based Quantification of Axonal Damage in Glaucomatous Rat Optic Nerves – Bailey Hannon

In vivo measurement of TM stiffness: proof-of-principle in mice – Ross Ethier

January 31, 2019

Dillon is awarded T32 support through the Atlanta CVNR Vision Research Training Grant!



January 9th, 2019

The Ethier and Pardue labs celebrate the holidays!




December 10th-11th, 2018

Ross Ethier chairs the Vanier-Banting study section for the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).



December 10th-11th, 2018
Members of the Ethier Lab present at the Southeastern Vision Research Conference (SEVR) at the University of Alabama.

Measurement of Ocular Compliance in Mice – Liz Boazak
Characterization of Changes in Tree Shrew Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsations Due to Changes in the Translaminar Pressure Difference: Toward an Animal Model to Study Human Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsations Michael Datillo

December 6th-8th, 2018
Ross Ethier presents at the Trabecular Meshwork study club in San Diego.



October 17th-20th, 2018
Members of the Ethier Lab present at the 50th BMES Annual Meeting.

Improved Approach for Measuring Ocular Compliance in Mice – Liz Boazak
Using Biphasic Theory to Analyze Unconfined Compression of Murine Sclera and Cornea Dillon Brown
A Flexible, Robust Microbead-based Assay for Quantification and Normalization of Protein ConcentrationAlex Crowley
Modeling Glaucomatous Damage in the Trabecular Meshwork with Oxidative StressKristen Gao
Computer-Assisted Quantification of Glaucoma Induced Axonal Damage in Rat Optic NervesMatthew Ritch

September 21, 2018
Bailey is awarded T32 support through the Atlanta CVNR Vision Research Training Grant!




August 17, 2018
Johan spent nine months in the Ethier Lab investigating how astrocyte behavior is influenced by their mechanical surroundings. He designed and built a new device which allows for mechanical testing and microscopy on hydrogels in which astrocytes are cultured. He is taking a gap year to travel around the world before coming back to France and finishing his master’s degree in biomechanics. We wish him the best!



August 16, 2018
Eric Snider publishes a manuscript entitled Improving Stem Cell Delivery to the Trabecular Meshwork Using Magnetic Nanoparticles in Scientific Reports. This paper explores the potential active, magnetic steering has for improving stem cell delivery to the entire trabecular meshwork, an essential requirement for developing regenerative medicine therapies for glaucoma.



August 15, 2018
During her time in the Ethier lab, Su built and analyzed the first two individual-specific finite element models of glaucomatous rat optic nerve heads. She compared the results with  previously built models of healthy rat eyes, showing that anatomical changes that occur during glaucoma increase the mechanical strains experienced by the optic nerve.

In September 2018, she will earn her master’s degree with a specialization in biomaterials and tissue biomechanics from the Biomedical Engineering Department at TU Delft, Netherlands. Following her graduation, she will pursue a PhD in the Cardiovascular Biomechanics Group of Erasmus Medical Center, in Rotterdam. She will perform research on atherosclerotic plaque biomechanics using a combined experimental and computational approach. Best of luck to you, Su!

July 16th, 2018
Jordan successfully defends his masters thesis. Congratulations Jordan!


July 1, 2018
Congratulations to Stephen Schwaner for being awarded an NIH F31 fellowship!




May 25, 2018
Ke Wang will be leaving to begin an engineering internship at Illumina, one of the top biotechnology companies providing products and services for gene sequencing in San Diego, CA. After the internship, she will take on the full time role of Process Engineer working in the Life Cycle Management department. Ke has worked in the Ethier lab for over 5 years, conducting research on biomechanical properties of soft tissue in the anterior part of the eye. Here work showed that there is a significant correlation between the tissue stiffness and outflow resistance to aqueous humor. Good luck, Ke!

May 17, 2018
We are excited to welcome Chanyoung Lee to the lab! Chanyoung received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Penn State University in 2018. His PhD work was focused on computational modeling of the process of bone formation in the cranial vault in mice. He will be developing a finite element model of the optic nerve sheath to determine the role of microgravity in Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) Syndrome.


April 20, 2018
Eric Snider will begin a post-doctoral fellowship at the United States Army Institute for Surgical Research in San Antonio, Texas. Specifically, Eric will be joining the sensory trauma department, focused on developing ocular therapeutics for trauma faced by soldiers in the battlefield. Eric successfully defended his Ph.D. research in December 2017 which developed stem cell therapies for the trabecular meshwork in glaucoma. We wish him the best!


March 29, 2018
Members of the Ethier Lab will travel to Dublin, Ireland for the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics.

Podium Presentations
Trabecular Meshwork Mechanical Stiffness is Strongly Linked to Aqueous Outflow Resistance – Ross Ethier
Early Ovariectomy Affects Ocular Compliance and Aqueous Outflow Facility – Andrew Feola
Investigating the sensitivity of intraocular pressure-induced optic nerve head (ONH) strains to variations in ONH geometry and material properties using finite element modelingStephen Schwaner

Biomechanical properties of murine sclera and cornea tested by unconfined compression and interpreted using fibril-reinforced biphasic theoryDillon Brown

March 29, 2018
Members of the Ethier Lab will travel to Honolulu, Hawaii for the 2018 ARVO annual meeting.

Podium Presentations
Trabecular meshwork stiffness and outflow resistance are related – Ross Ethier
Impact of Estrogen Deficiency on Outflow Facility and Ocular Biomechanics in Rats – Andrew Feola

Correlation Between Stereopsis and Reverse Stereopsis in Homonymous and Bitemporal HemianopiasMichael Datillo

In vivo assessment of visual acuity following genipin-induced scleral crosslinking – Bailey Hannon

March 28, 2018
Stephen Schwaner publishes a manuscript entitled A methodology for individual-specific modeling of rat optic nerve head biomechanics in glaucoma in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. In addition to describing the mentioned methodology, this paper reported initial modeling results and pointed out some of the differences between rat and human optic nerve head mechanical strain patterns.



Ke WangMarch 26, 2018
Ke Wang publishes a manuscript entitled The relationship between outflow resistance and trabecular meshwork stiffness in mice in Scientific Reports. This paper demonstrates that mechanical properties of trabecular meshwork are closely involved in the function of the outflow pathway across a range of conditions.


March 24, 2017
Eric Snider represented the Ethier lab at the Regenerative Medicine Workshop at Charleston.  Eric presented a poster on Enhanced Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery to the Trabecular Meshwork Using Magnetic Nanoparticles.



January 19, 2018
Congratulations to Dillon for passing his Bioengineering PhD qualifying exam!




Ke WangDecember 15, 2017
Ke Wang successfully defends her thesis entitled Mechanical Properties of Trabecular Meshwork. Ke’s thesis provides new insights into the basic pathophysiology of glaucoma and has implications for the diagnosis of the disease.



December 14, 2017
Eric Snider successfully defends his thesis entitled Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies for the Trabecular Meshwork in Glaucoma. Eric’s thesis investigates how stem cells could be utilized for treating glaucoma by standardizing differentiation characterization, improving cell delivery to the tissue, and developing a model to assess the translation benefit of stem cells for glaucoma.



September 28, 2017
Congratulations to Andrew Feola for winning a Career Development Award! Dr. Feola intends to use this award to understand how a change in hormonal status affects visual function and biomechanical properties of the eye. His project will also investigate hormones (e.g. estrogen) as neuroprotective against the progression of visual impairment in glaucoma and potentially their benefit in various ocular diseases.


Ke WangSeptember 1,  2017
Ke Wang publishes a manuscript entitled, Estimating Human Trabecular Meshwork Stiffness by Numerical Modeling and Advanced OCT Imaging in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. This paper estimates human trabecular meshwork (TM) stiffness using a novel indirect approach and suggests that differences in perfusion outflow facility in both normal and glaucomatous human eyes are correlated with differences in TM stiffness.


August 29, 2017
Congratulations to Ross Ethier for being inducted into the Biomedical Engineering Society’s 2017 Class of BMES Fellows! Read full news article here.



Su GuvenirAugust 14, 2017
We are delighted to welcome our visiting scholar Su Guvenir to the lab! She is a second year masters student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. During her visit, she will be building individual-specific finite element models of glaucomatous rat optic nerve heads to better understand the effects of damage and remodeling that occur in glaucoma.



July 17, 2017
We are excited to welcome Liz Boazak, Ph.D. to the lab! Liz received her PhD in biomedical engineering from the City College of New York. Her thesis work was aimed at developing a mechanically matched scaffold for fetal trachea replacement. In the Ethier lab she is evaluating ocular compliance in the BXD mouse set in order to identify the genes controlling scleral stiffness.




July 10, 2017
We are excited to welcome Michael Dattilo, M.D., Ph.D. to the laboratory. Michael is a fellowship trained neuro-ophthalmologist who is currently on a 1-year T32 grant. Michael is working on developing a device to non-invasively measure intracranial pressure.




June 24, 2017
Congratulations to Stephen Schwaner for winning second place in the Tissue Mechanics and Characterization session of the SB3C PhD student paper competition! Stephen gave a talk titled “Influence of Optic Nerve Head Material Properties on Rat Optic Nerve Strains Due to Elevated Intraocular Pressure”.



 June 21, 2017
The Ethier Lab travels to Tucson, Arizona for the 2017 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference.

Workshop and Presentations
Ocular Biomechanics: What’s Our Vision?Ross Ethier

The Impact of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure on Optic Nerve Head Deformation – Andrew Feola
Finite Element (FE) Modeling of Monkey Optic Nerve Head (ONH) Biomechanics: Methods and Preliminary Results
– Fanwei Kong

Evaluating the Efficacy of Crosslinking the Posterior Rat ScleraBailey Hannon
Influence of Optic Nerve Head Material Properties on Rat Optic Nerve Strains Due to Elevated Intraocular PressureStephen Schwaner

May 26, 2017
Eric Snider publishes a manuscript entitled, Characterizing Differences Between MSCs and TM Cells: Toward Autologous Stem Cell Therapies for the Glaucoma in the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. This paper details how mesenchymal, adult stem cells differ from trabecular meshwork cells and how these genetic, protein, and functional level differences can be used for assessing stem cell differentiation.


May 6, 2017
The Ethier Lab travels to Baltimore, Maryland for the 2017 ARVO annual meeting.


Visualizing Stem Cell Delivery to Trabecular Meshwork Using Ultrasound/Photoacoustic Imaging with NanoparticlesRoss Ethier

The Impact of Choroidal Swelling on Optic Nerve Head DeformationAndrew Feola
Determining the Efficacy of Crosslinking Stiffening Agents in Rat ScleraBailey Hannon
A Method to Expose the Inner Wall of Schlemm’s Canal in MiceTom Read
Effects of Dexamethasone on Trabecular Meshwork Stiffness in MiceKe Wang

May 4,  2017
Congratulations to Ross Ethier and Stephen Schwaner for winning awards at this year’s BioE Day! Dr. Ethier won Outstanding Advisor and Stephen won Outstanding Rapid Fire Presentation.



April 5, 2017

Ian Campbell publishes a manuscript entitled, Quantification of the efficacy of collagen cross-linking agents to induce stiffening of rat sclera in Journal of the Royal Society Interface. This paper establishes dose-response relationships between concentration and stiffness for various collagen cross-linking agents.


April 1, 2017
Andrew Feola publishes a manuscript entitled, Deformation of the Lamina Cribrosa and Optic Nerve Due to Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS). Using synchotron radiation phase-contrast micro-computed tomography, this paper examines how the strains in the lamina cribrosa and retrolaminar neural tissue alter when various cerebrospinal fluid pressures are induced.

January 17, 2017
We are proud to announce that Julia Raykin and Eric Snider have published a paper titled A modified gelatin zymography technique incorporating total protein normalization in Analytical Biochemistry. This paper demonstrates that in-gel total protein detection is feasible in the commonly used laboratory procedure of gelatin zymography. Read the article here!


September 19, 2016
Dillon Brown joins the Ethier Lab! Dillon a first year PhD student at Georgia Tech, in the BioEngineering Program from the Biomedical Engineering home school. He will be working on a joint project with the Pardue Lab exploring the connection between myopia and scleral biomechanics. Dillon received his BS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of South Carolina in May of 2016, where he worked as an undergraduate research assistant in two labs.


Ian Campbell

September 12, 2016
Ian Campbell will begin a career at Exponent, a failure analysis consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. Ian will take on the role of Biomechanics consultant, working in Exponent’s Accident and Failure Investigation department. Ian has worked in the Ethier Lab for over 4 years, conducting research on the biomechanics of the posterior sclera and developing computer models to analyze ocular biomechanics in glaucoma. We are sad to see Ian go, but wish him the best as he embarks on a new chapter in his life. He will no doubt be extremely successful, and Exponent is lucky to have him. 


Ke Wang

July 16, 2016

Ke Wang publishes paper titled Trabecular meshwork stiffness in glaucoma in Experimental Eye Research Journal.
Research has shown that the stiffness of the trabecular meshwork (TM) may be a key factor to raised IOP. In this paper, a new technique to directly measure TM stiffness in mouse eyes is described. In addition, the paper investigates the relationship between TM stiffness and outflow facility.


July 9, 2016
VIIP Syndrome article is published in the Washington Post. The article explains the syndrome in simple terms for the general public, improving awareness about this syndrome prevalent in astronauts.



July 5, 2016

We are excited to welcome Kyle Zhou to the Ethier Lab for Summer 2016. Kyle is a third year undergraduate student from Peking University in China. He is majoring in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. While visiting the Ethier lab, he will be conducting finite element modelling research of Schlemm’s Canal with Ke Wang.


July 1, 2016
Prof. Ross Ethier becomes Secretary of the ASME Bioengineering Division and will assume the position of Division Chair in 2017.


June 29, 2016

The Ethier Lab travels to The National Harbor in Maryland for the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference.

Quantification of Scleral Stiffening in Rat Eyes as a Function of Glyceraldehyde Concentration and Age – Ian Campbell

Individual-Specific Finite Element Model of the Rat Optic Nerve Head Under Elevated Intraocular Pressure Conditions – Stephen A. Schwaner
The Impact of Ocular Pressures, Material Properties and Geometry on Optic Nerve Head DeformationAndrew Feola

Development of a Platform for Studying Astrocyte Mechanobiology: Compression of Astrocytes in 3D Collagen Gels – John J. E. Mulvihill
Characterization of the Mechanical Behavior of the Optic Nerve Sheath – Julia Raykin

June 28, 2016

Ross Ethier named Interim Biomedical Engineering Chair. He will hold the position of Biomedical Engineering Chair from August 1, 2016 to August 1, 2017.

John Pic (1)


June 18, 2016
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. John Mulvihill in the Ethier lab is appointed as a lecturer in Biomedical Engineering within the School of Engineering at the University of Limerick.




May 16, 2016

Ross Ethier receives competitive NASA grant. The funding for the grant is from NASA’s Human Research Program and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute. Professor Ethier’s proposal is one of only 27 that will be funded.



The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

May 1, 2016
The lab visits Seattle, Washington for the 2016 ARVO annual meeting. 

Panel and Presentation:
Tissue Stiffness in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma – C.R. Ethier
Voluntary Exercise for Neuroprotection in Glaucoma – Ian Campbell
Probabilistic Modeling of Intracranial Pressure Effects on Optic Nerve Biomechanics – C. Ross Ethier
Effects of Age and Ovariectomy on Visual Function in Experimental Glaucoma – Andrew Feola
Development of a platform for studying astrocyte mechanobiology in 3D culture – John Mulvihill
Finite Element (FE) Modeling of Optic Nerve Head (ONH) Biomechanics in a Rat Model of GlaucomaStephen Schwaner

Co-Culture Stimulated Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Trabecular Meshwork CellsEric Snider
Estimating human trabecular meshwork stiffness by numerical modeling and advanced OCT imagingKe Wang

May 1, 2016
Postdoctoral fellows Baptiste Coudrillier and Ian Campbell publish Effects of Peripapillary Scleral Stiffening on the Deformation of the Lamina Cribrosa in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. This paper experimentally evaluates the effects of moderately stiffening the peripapillary sclera.